HI All, mysqldump is a very handy and useful command for keeping backup of your Db or to migrate them to another server.

lets see how can we use it in different way ..

  • To take a backup of data from mysqlserver itsself
mysqldump -u root -p'my_password' my_db_name > /root/my_dump_file.sql
  • To take dump from remote server where i have access.
mysqldump -h xxxxx.xxx.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com -u root -p'my_aws_password' my_remot_db_name   > /vol1/my_dump_file.sql
  • To take dump from remote server but with only selected tables where i have access.
mysqldump -h xxxxx.xxx.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com -u root -p'my_aws_password' my_remot_db_name  table3 table2 table3 > /vol1/my_dump_file.sql
  • Resorting back dump to local mysqlserver
mysql  -u root -p'my_aws_password' my_remot_db_name   < /vol1/my_dump_file.sql
  • Resorting back dump to remote mysqlserver
mysql  -h xxxxx.xxx.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com -u root -p'my_aws_password' my_remot_db_name   < /vol1/my_dump_file.sql

Happy Coding …. :)
